Social Tracing
Social Tracing
Automated Social Tracing
The device’s intended problem to solve is the act of social tracing at schools. The problem being that the track who was where is like a full-time job taking note and gathering the info from many people to connect the dots. The idea was why not have a computer connect the dots because computers can store lots of data with nearly zero human input. How it works it works by scanning cards issued to each student and staff member when every they enter or exit a room or space they tap their card on the device and it saves the card number as being there sending that data to a web based database. Once it is in a data base it can be used for a variety of different uses like traffic modeling or in this case who was where and when this also means that there it is not collected by hand meaning any one given permission could look at it whenever they need to if given permission to view the data.
Device specs you have an ESP-8266 connected to power, 3 LEDS, and a RC-522 Board. All of this is in a box approximately 75x45x30 mm (LxWxH). The cost is approximately 10$us including power supply, ESP, RC-522, PCB, Headers, LEDs, 3dprinted case and an adapter you will need one of these per room or area. This however doesn’t include the RFID-cards, cards are approximately 15 to 20 cense a piece when bought I a pack of 200 to 500 but you need one card per staff or student and most if not all staff already have one that would work and in the Richland school district the bus passes also work as well.

The ESP-8266 is the brains of the operation making the internet connection, processing data from the RC-522 and lighting up LED for user feedback.


RC-522 is the RFID and NFC communication scanner to read the cards and send the data to the ESP-8266 to be sent to the web-based database.


LED (light Emitting Diodes) Are used to give simple user feedback.


RFID card is a cheap card to be caried by the person issued the card to scan on the device at each room.